This chronicle began by being called #today and beyond. The goal was to write beyond the day-to-day media of covid-19. Thinking ahead, whether weeks, months or years. Thinking beyond.

Over the weeks, this requirement was often conditioned by the developments of the pandemic. Some chronicles, such as "group impunity“, were almost epidermal responses to the events. Others, like “treat them like adults,” were more alert. Or still others, like "build a fairer and healthier country“We were more hopeful. Several themes were addressed, always related to the necessary redefinition of health services.

We will all have one before, one during and one after the pandemic. Although the event was global, it was unique for each of us. There is no one who has not suffered and lost a little of himself in this period. There is always the naive justification that so much suffering was not in vain. That it results in qualitative leaps, that barriers that otherwise would not even be seen can be broken down.

Now, it seems certain that the worst is behind us. More than re-editing the crazy 20s, it is necessary to renew hope in each one of us and in the collective. It is necessary to accept and listen to the other's reason. Find new answers to old and new problems. In an old country like ours, let go of the ropes and go further. First, do and fulfill.

Once the state of emergency is over, these chronicles of mine cease on Wednesdays in Jornal de Notícias. We read around.

#Hoje was a weekly chronicle published in Newspaper on Wednesdays between November 2020 and May 2021.

The full article can be read on here

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