On July 22nd, 2021, I had the pleasure to give a keynote on “Statistics to achieve Healthcare 2.0” at the 3rd Statistics on Health Decision Making Annual Meeting.

This event is for the third time linked with the Master’s Degree in Medical Statistics at the University of Aveiro, directed by Prof. Vera Afreixo. In my opinion, this post-graduate course is one of the prominent examples in Portugal of how academia, particularly in statistics, can transform healthcare.

On the first hand, as a healthcare manager, I know the work and competencies acquired from the students that undergo the program, and I must recognise the relevance of the Masters. I hope healthcare providers and the Ministry of Health understand the imperative to count on such skills in their ranks.

Following last year global pandemic experience, this year program focused on public health, counting on extraordinary speakers and discussions. My keynote was divided into three main topics:
1) The brief history of Healthcare 1.x
2) A glimpse of Healthcare 2.0
3) The role of statistics

The first two topics are not a novelty from previous talks (e.g., New model for the integration of care in aging, Sector Público e Social – Que articulação se pretende). It is data and what we do with it that will change the way that we provide care. The knowledge will drive healthcare. The transformation of data into knowledge requires trained professionals. Thank you, University of Aveiro, to take the step forward.

Statistics will allow us to achieve Healthcare 2.0

Please have a look at my slides below: